When my dear husband went into the hospital last year, I packed a project to keep me busy. Picking up "Fair Kind True" by Midsummer Night Designs was an easy choice. I purchased it thinking of my true love about the time of our 15th wedding anniversary. I hadn't found time to start it, but I had the linen and the silk all picked out. The night before, I pressed the linen and put it on a Q-Snap. I gathered up my favorite scissors, silk, magnifying clip on, and made sure to have an extra pair of reading glasses and popped it all in one of my stitching bags.
I sat in the waiting room for hours while he was in surgery and never picked it up. I sat in his room with him for days. I didn't touch this for the first 4 of them, too busy taking care of him and taking notes from doctors and techs. I finally picked it up as I was crawled up in my "chair that turns into a bed wanna-be". I was happy that things were improving, and (finally) a smile crossed my heart and I put the first few stitches to fabric.
I didn't get much done while at the hospital, but that was okay. It was a sign that life was starting to return to normal, slowly but surely. I finally finished it up at home while my hubby was recovering. Taking it to the framer was a joy...and the completed project is truly perfect!